SO here are some examples of how his mind is working...
Mom, where is my drill? I need to screw people.
This is part of a conversation I caught between Arlo and his friend:
G: (while flexing his muscles) My dad gives me power aid so I can have super power!
A: (while flexing his muscles) Yea, and super, big, mean eyebrows!
A: Mom, I'm going to go get some dollars.
Me: Oh, are you going to work?
A: No, I am going to the dollar store.
G: I see a volcano!!!
A: That's a hotcano, see it has fire coming out of it. A volcano (Arlo pronounces it ballcano) has balls coming out of it.
A: Mom, what's electricity?
Me: Electricity is a type of power.
A: Oh, the power to read. COOL!!!!
He cracks me up!!! I just wish I wrote down everything funny he said! I could definitely have a book by the time he grows up!
I am not big on taking long home videos. No offense but those people who stand there at swimming lessons and video tape the entire lesson, even when their kid is on the wall waiting their turn... those are the videos I hated watching as a kid because they were long and boring. And lets be honest, who has the time to go back and watch all that stuff? So here are a few short clips of my boys doing what they do best!
This video was at the splash pad. My boys love playing in the hose/sprinkler at home but when we got to the splash pad, they just stood there. I will never understand my kids! Then, when I was about to give up, Arlo got his hands on a water gun and was stationed there for the next 30 minutes spraying everyone who got in his way. He loved it and cried when it was time to go.
My sister took this video and I am so grateful because this is Arlo through and through! Loves to do things to make people laugh and then will do the same thing a hundred more times because it made you laugh the first time.
Cohen doing patty cake. Tow is my sweet boy and most everything he does is exactly what he saw his older brother do, but every once in a while we catch Tow doing something he likes to do and this is one of them.
I have always hated crocs. I thought they were an ugly trend and it drove me crazy when I saw grown people wearing bright yellow crocs to the grocery store. So, I swore I would never get crocs for me or my family. Then I started watching my 3 kids and all of them have crocs. And they are WONDERFUL! They are perfect because they slip on and off so easily, they can get wet/dirty and they are easily cleaned without them getting ruined or damaged. So, I broke down and bought my boys crocs off the internet. Cohen's crocks came on a monday and Arlo was crushed, he wanted his super hero crocs so badly! Finally on Friday they came. When he saw the package on our porch, he knew it was his crocs. He came in yelling and screaming. He was singing the entire time his dad opened the package. Then when he put them on, he danced in them for the first hour. I wish I would have thought to get my camera out earlier, but I caught the end of his excitement... but he still loves them and I am happy I decided to rethink crocs and get them for my boys. But, I stick to the judgement that adults should not be wearing brightly colored clogs in public.
I just can't get enough of Cohen's sleeping face. But that smile, is what kills me! And it is great because he has that smile (which is his dads smile) whenever he is doing something that he is proud of.
Arlo has to do eeny meeny miney moe every night to decide who ti give goodnight hugs and kisses to first. It is always me;-) unless I talk him into letting dad go first, which is the case in this video!
Cohen doing eeny, meeny, miney, moe because he has to do everything his big brother does.
Honestly, his voice is too cute right? Cohen loves his animals and loves to say their sounds. He is such a smart boy!
And because you won't e able to see any of these videos in my blog book, here are a few pictures as well!
On our way to a water park.
Dad and Arlo playing super heros and bad guys. Can you tell who is who?
Dinner outside watching fireworks!
Arlo and his new crocs!
No explanation needed!
Arlo with his homemade sucker.
Cohen waiting patiently for his sucker while squishing his face into the glass.
Cohen deciding his bottle was not enough, so he was drinking his water too!
Okay, so not for summer because technically Tim is in Summer school, but he has a week break between the two summer semesters and we are partying it up!!!!!
The day of Tim's final, we celebrated by going to the circus with great friends.
So I know it is sideways, but this literally had my heart racing... there are 8, yes EIGHT motorcycles in this little ball, it took more time to get them all in then it took to perform the stunt. So crazy!
And I know I said this last year when we went to the circus, but we got our tickets on craigslist for cheap!!!!
I love craigslist!
Our next item of fun for having daddy home for a week is goofy golfing!
Arlo Loved It!
Cohen loved the animals.
A great family night!
Hopefully that is enough excitement to last anther 6 weeks of summer school!
This year we put Arlo in Swim lessons at the public pool. Which is funny because I am a swimmer, I used to be a life guard and swim lesson teacher and swim team coach, but I admit I would rather take my child to lessons than teach him myself. I do however, reinforce lessons when we are swimming together.
His first lesson he cried and got out of the pool and refused to get back in. When he did, he cried and screamed. The second lesson, I put him in with his teacher and left so he could not see me, and again he cried the entire lesson but he did not get out of the pool. After that I bribed my son an icee and candy if he listened to his teacher and did not cry. It worked, he did wonderful on the third day and has been doing wonderful ever since. We are now on our second round of swim lessons and he can swim about 5 feet without help and can swim an entire length (15 feet) with help two times to let him catch his breath. He is doing wonderful and I am proud of him and I am aiming for an independent swimmer by the end of the summer.
Arlo has learned to snorkle as well, which we are really excited about because we are planning a Hawaii trip next year in May!
I am a wife to a great, hard working man. I am a mother to two handsome, happy boys and a beautiful, perfect girl. I am proud to be a homemaker. I am a daughter of God. I am happy to have the life I was given. And this is my journal of it all!
A good marriage does not require a perfect man or a perfect woman. It only requires a man and a woman committed to strive together toward perfection. -Dalin Oaks