Just a quick post...
I went to my doctor today and we have scheduled the big day!
I am scheduled for induction on Tuesday, November 23rd!
Now, correct me if I am wrong but that is only 1 week away!
It is so exciting and scary all at the same time.
SO... be on the lookout for Gooch #2!
For now...
As I look back on this pregnancy, I am just so thankful it was nothing like with Arlo. My nausea was under control... I can count the times I threw up on both hands! I did not swell, I did not gain as much weight, I could not have told you what week of pregnancy I was in, I did not have the constant pain under my right rib, I was not miserable!!! I am not going to lie, there were a few moments I was not so happy being pregnant, but overall this pregnancy was wonderful compared to the last!!! I would like to thank my little man Arlo, for keeping me pre-occupied ALL the time, it has helped bunches! Now, I am not so nervous for the next pregnancies! Yes, there will be more Gooches to come!
Good and Wise Parents
1 week ago
So excited for you, Shiloh! Can't wait to see pics of the little guy when he comes!
I can't believe baby #2 is coming this week. That is crazy. I thought you had another few months. :) Where have I been? Anyway, we will be thinking of you. Can't wait to see pictures and meet the little man.
So excited for you guys! I'm sure him and Arlo will be such good friends! Good luck with your childREN!!! Haha
I can't wait to see your little guy Shiloh! We want you to move up here so bad so that our little men can play. No, not Dave and Tim!!:) You look great and I hope all goes well on Tuesday!!!
I am so excited for you guys. Arlo will be a great big brother. Can't wait to see pictures. Good luck!
11/24/2010 about 2AM my new grandson Mr Cohan arrived. He's 8lbs 11oz. Ten fingers and toes and boy parts and he's a big boy! Very little crying and he loves to stretch his arms and legs! A very handsome dude!
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