Tuesday, May 26, 2009

More Pics!

I told you I had a lot of pictures, So here are a few more!

Looks like he's singing!

My Family!

Who can resist that chubby face?


Aunt Niki loving on Arlo!

No words!

Mommy and Arlo Pictures!

Monday, May 25, 2009

1 Month

Well a lot has happened this past month!  The latest being Arlo got his tongue snipped.  He had 'tongue tie' which was the cause for all my nursing woes.  So we went to the doctor and they snipped the little flap of skin under the tongue so Arlo can now use his tongue properly!  He has been a little fussy the past few days since it has been cut, but can you blame him?  

I also found my camera cord so here are pictures of my
 precious little baby through his 1st month of life!

He looks so cute with his little hat on!

Timmy says he looks like a frog,
I think he looks like a little bug.

Tim loves to do his hair in a mohawk,
I just love that he has hair!

My precious baby's profile,
He is so beautiful!

This is his little poindexter outfit!
He is such a nerd!
Well he would be if he had a pocket
protector and pens in the little pocket!

I just can't get enough of 
his cute little face!

My boys, I think they are the 
greatest!!!!!  But I can't decide
which one I like more...

Friday, May 15, 2009


I am so frustrated!  I have taken so many pics of my sweet beautiful baby boy and I can not post them for the world to agree!  I have lost my camera cord that connects my camera to my computer... so as soon as I find it I will post pics of Arlo and we can all ooowe and aaaww together!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Arlo's 1st Week

We made it!  We survived!  And we have loved every minute of it.... Well, almost every minute of it!  I can honestly say that having Arlo is the biggest blessing in my life and I do not know what I have done so right in my life that my Heavenly Father would bless me with such a beautiful, sweet and loving baby boy!  

On another note, let me tell you how Arlo has officially introduced me to motherhood.  We have had our late nights, I am not only sore from the delivery but I am also trying to breast feed and all mothers will understand how that can be a challenge at the beginning:) But the topper happened yesterday not once but twice!  I was changing my sweet pea's diaper trying to be as careful as possible (he was circumcised yesterday) the minute I took away his old diaper, reached for another, and came right back, I found a little pile waiting for me!  So I went to grab a wet wipe when I saw a little squirt, I yelled for my mom to come and help but before she could reach us, Arlo released full force and started peeing all over!  Now, this is the interesting part, I have always heard of these horror stories and I always figured if that happened to me I would more than likely throw up, but instead I laughed the whole time and I still love him more than ever!  You think I would learn my lesson, but like I said it happened twice!  I really am going to try to be more careful!  Remember I am new at this:)