Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thankful for Birthdays

Happy Birthday Cohen!!!!!

Newborn Tow 

Today is a day of thanks, and my birthday boy could not have chosen a better day to celebrate his 1st birthday on; because, I am so thankful for my boy. 
1 Month Tow

As I look back on this hectic year, I am so thankful for how far we have come as a family.  The year turned out far different than I expected.  The first three months I had Cohen, I fully expected to be sleep deprived and crazy from having a newborn that needed me constantly.  
 2 month Tow

What really happened was (besides being sleep deprived) my Cohen was a sweet heart and perfect, it turned out to be Arlo who made me crazy those first three months.  
 3 month Tow

Cohen was a perfect baby, he was happy in my arms, he was happy in the swing and when he became more alert he was happy just laying on his mat, the kid was always happy.  
 4 month Tow

Then, at 4-8 months Cohen became a blast to watch as he was learning and exploring new things and starting to become mobile.  He hardly ever cried, and when he did it was only because he was tired or hungry.  
 5 month Tow

When I put him to sleep, all I have ever had to do was lay him down in his crib and he would fall right asleep.  
6 month Tow

If there was one thing I could change about Cohen and this past year it would be keeping him asleep once he fell asleep.  
 7 month Tow

Months 4-8 went better with Arlo as well, as he got more used to Cohen being around and less a turd about everything else, life with 2 kids finally felt like it was manageable (busy but manageable).  
 8 month Tow

Then came months 9-12.  During this time Cohen learned to climb, started teething 8 more teeth and both boys were going through colds like they couldn't get enough of them.  
 9 month Tow

So needless to say, these last few months have probably been the hardest.
 10 month Tow

Which is not supposed to happen, because everything was going so well!  I guess I should know better.
11 month Tow

Cohen, you are such a blessing.  I could not have begged Heavenly Father for a better kid than you.  You are a sweetie, a lover and my favorite youngest boy!  
12 month Tow

As this year comes to an end, I want to make sure I thank my boys (men as Tim calls it) for this crazy wonderful year.

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