Monday, March 14, 2011

The Good Ole Days

Today I was able to reminisce about the days back before Tim and I were married.  The days when tickle fights were fun, when kissing was almost sinful and when we could pick up and go any time we wanted.  The great thing about Tim and my relationship is that we started out as friends... really, we did.  And we were able to do all these amazing, fun things with each other without all the uncertainty of a brand new relationship.  Then of course, Tim realized he could not live another day without having me all to himself and so we became a 'couple' and then engaged and then married and then married with children.  (he might argue that first step... because I might have made the first move ;-)

Today while the kids were sleeping I was going through pictures... trying to make more space on my computer... and I came across a file with so many pictures our many different stages (pre kids).  They bring back so many memories I just had to share!





Each one of these pictures has a story, some that only Tim and I would laugh at...  but it is fun to remember, and good to remember!

Because now as I look at our relationship, I see the growth, the bumps and bruises, the band-aides, hugs and kisses... and I see how much we have changed... and I am so grateful that I married the man I did.  Because as corny as it may sound he really does make me a better woman, wife and mother.  But I am also grateful for the good ole times that I can look back on and say remember when... 

1 comment:

Rob and Alexa said...

Fun post! I love all the pictures.