Thursday, July 26, 2012

He said what?!?

Arlo is a talker... nonstop!

SO here are some examples of how his mind is working...

Mom, where is my drill?  I need to screw people.

This is part of a conversation I caught between Arlo and his friend:
G: (while flexing his muscles) My dad gives me power aid so I can have super power!
A: (while flexing his muscles)  Yea, and super, big, mean eyebrows!

A: Mom, I'm going to go get some dollars.
Me: Oh, are you going to work?
A: No, I am going to the dollar store.

G: I see a volcano!!!
A:  That's a hotcano, see it has fire coming out of it.  A volcano (Arlo pronounces it ballcano) has balls coming out of it.

A:  Mom, what's electricity?
Me:  Electricity is a type of power.
A:  Oh, the power to read. COOL!!!!

He cracks me up!!!  I just wish I wrote down everything funny he said!  I could definitely have a book by the time he grows up!

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